Monday, June 8, 2009

Week Ten

This is the last week before finals, and I cannot wait for the summer to come. This is the first time since i have gotten back from Iraq, October, that I will actually get a chance to slow down. This being my last blog I have found something for that is really cool in the technology world, it is a new product for the xbox 360 that does not need to have the need for controllers. The new application will allow the user to play a game without using a controller or head set, but the user needs to use the new application, Natal. Microsoft will not tell how the system works but are rather tight lipped about the whole system. Read more here.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

week 9

This week I read about a new application for the Apple i phone. The new application, made by phase 2 media, will allow the user to utilize text messaging while walking. The application uses the phones built in camera, then superimposes white text over the view of the path in front of the user. There could be possible disadvantages in the new application as people may try to use it while they drive. Read more here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

week 8

I have read a very interesting article this week that invovles quantum poker. Since gambling is very near and dear to my heart it is interesting to see what technology can do fro one of my favorite past times. A mathmetician from Portland State University is trying to figure out what is going to happen to online poker once the quantum computers of tomorrow are unleashed. Quantum game theory is the key component to the the hypothesis that online poker will be brought ino a ne realm by quantum computers. Read more here.

Week 7

This week i read an article about a glowing cell phone that transmits your mood via color. This phone allows the user the option to send "light messages", what mood you feel will be encoded in your text message to help convey your feelings or emotions. Red could be for anger, blue for sad, and many more possibilities. Read more here.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week SIx

This week i have read an article that is particularly interesting, it is about the fact that the internet behaves like a human brain. There is an argument though that the net could gain some sort of consciousness and start thinking on it's own. Some experts beleive that the net has gained some level of consciousness, and it couls further it's consciousness and help its self. read more here

Thursday, April 23, 2009

week 5

The last article I have read was about a head set that you can wear that allows the wearer to control certain technologies. The head set reads the electrical signals sent out by the firing of neurons in your brain. I found the article very interesting in that the technology may be more advanced then let on. If we are seeing a finished product as potential consumers then what is the application for such a device, or a device like it in government or the military. read more here.

week 4

I have just read an article about new technology created in Milan that is going to help sports that involve quick decisions regarding line calls, such sports as tennis and table tennis. The technology is a algorithm that can tell the trajectory of the ball and even the direction of the spin of the ball if the game has surface texture. read more here.